Friday, December 2, 2011

Waldorf, Montessori, eclectic...

Anyone who knows me well knows that I often times get very revved about a new passion in my life. Before J was born I was all about cloth diapering. When he arrived, he wasn't. 5 months after his birth I picked it up again and he was cd'd until he potty trained. My daughter has been cd'd since she was a couple weeks old. Some things I stick with and my passion remains, other things fizzle away.

My new "passion" obsession is schooling and decluttering this pit. I've been on this for a while. It seems that since Eme Lu was born we have moved into a bit more of a crunchy mindset. We buy mostly organic, have been trying to buy more wooden toys, buy things used, watch what types of products go in our bodies, home make certain products, etc. There is one thing I continue to struggle with and that is toys. J has had an obsession with cars for well over a year. I have completely fed in to that obsession. Anything car related he has. It has taken me quite some time to realize that he really doesnt need so much. Cars are his thing and in my selfishness it has always been kind of a crutch.

Our house is sitting at a crossroad right now. I have weeded through many toys and have gotten rid of so much but we still have far too many toys. My basement is a land mine. I so badly want to find some peace in our cluttered home but for some reason there just constantly seems to be more of everything. I feel stressed most days when I look around and I can only imagine my kids feel the same way. There is TOO much.

Let's go back a little to my schooling topic which ties in to our home. Z and I, for some time now, have been talking about schooling options for the kids. We know that mainstream public schools is not the route we want to go. We have been on a homeschool kick lately, even joining a homeschool coop. We haven quite decided which type of homeschooling we'd like to do, if this is the route we decide to go. I thought maybe Montessori mostly, but referring to ourselves as eclectic. I am now on a Waldorf kick. After researching a waldorf school here I strongly feel that this would be a great fit for J, without seeing it of course! I ordered Em her first Waldorf doll and have plans, fingers crossed, to attempt to make my own.

Where my problem lies is making our home into more of a Waldorf or Montessori type home. I don't know where to start. I so badly want to make a change and each day I wake up revved to do so but I then get overwhelmed and by afternoon it fizzles away. Do I literally get rid of all our plastic toys and slowly start integrating more wood? Do I make this change slowly? I feel that I need to tackle the toys head on otherwise I'll just keep accumulating and I will never get on top of it.

For any if you who have decided to make a Waldorf change how did you do so? Did you Find that once you made the change your family was more at peace? Did your children search for their old plastic toys or were they content? I'm wanting to start this endeavor but don't know where to begin!

My mom is in town and we have Emes party Sunday. Perhaps today is the day to start this in the basement. Get bags and start donating! Check back to read my follow up post! Will this new obsession remain or will it fizzle...

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