Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Now I know that most people who have dogs call their dogs part of their family and their beloved four legged friends, that however, is not the case in our house. We have two mutts. Oslo, a min pin is 6 and Bella, a puggle is 4. Oslo is just a feisty little dude who has little man syndrome. He barks and barks and isn't super sweet with other people. He does really love me though, I mean he was my baby for many years prior to kids. Bella is a gentle, sweet girl. She is so good with anyone including kids. Man is that dog naughty though.

It has now become almost a game to see what my dogs have eaten while we were away. How they manage to get the things they do is beyond me. We have resorted to taking the garbage outside or put it up on the counter while we leave. The chairs to our kitchen table have to be pushed in at all times otherwise you will see a pooch on the table indulging in whatever may be up there.

Yesterday on our drive home I remembered that I left the full trash can down. Shoot! We got home and to my surprise trash wasn't sprawled all over the floor. I thought, yay they were good while we were gone. That was until I heard j say, "uh they ate my gingerbread house"! Sure enough, all of it except for part of the white paper that it was iced to was gone.

You might be wondering how they are still standing and with no major illnesses, I'm not sure. Here's a list of other things my dogs have devoured..

-a pound of butter
-loaves of bread
-how could I forget the bag of brown sugar
-pirates booty
-countless bars
- emes dirty diapers
-an entire bag of chocolate brownies and cookies
-a bag of raisins

The list goes on. My dogs have stomachs of steel. You never know what today has in store while we are gone! A look at the mangy mutts!

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