Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Twenty twelve goals

Resolutions seem to set ourselves up for failure, in my opinion. I always set them and never seem to go the entire year keeping up with them. So this year I plan to set goals. I have quite a few but that I'm hopeful I can say I stuck to at least a couple! Being a sahm leaves us with only one income and I need to be better about budgeting and being thrifty.

Here are my top five goals for twenty twelve!

1) can I go an entire year buying the kids clothes at second hand stores or garage sales? We'll see!

2) to be more positive! What's that old saying.. When life hands you lemons, make lemonade! I'm going to try at least :)

3) find our rhythm in our home. I am continually reading about rhythm and how important it is in a family's home, yet I don't think we've quite found ours yet. I'm hoping 2012 will bring our rhythm!

4) SIMPLIFY!!!! This has to be one of my biggest goals for this year! Our house is by no means big but it also isn't small. It is perfect for the four of us and even a fifth if we decided so ;) Yet it is continually crammed packed with stuff. Each room is full of stuff, every closet, every drawer. How can I get rid of some of this and simplify? I have a feeling it will make our house seem bigger once we do!

5) be kind to myself. Take care of myself and do some things for me. Whether that means running a 5k or sewing more often or reading. Whatever it is, I need to be kind to myself and not beat myself up when I make a parenting mistake. We are human after all.

What are your 2012 goals? I'm curious to hear!

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