Friday, August 24, 2012

It's happening.. and I can't stop it..

I'm not sure when it started happening but today I noticed it. My little boy, well, he's not so little anymore. I think so often we go through our days thinking "we have tomorrow" but what happens when what you were planning to do tomorrow you no longer can. My snuggles are getting far and few between. He doesn't like to sit with me as long as he used to, he wants to play with friends and bike around the circle, he doesn't want the mommy smooches all the time and he's getting too big for me to carry. Each day he gets more and more independent and I feel like I can't stop the clock. He mastered riding his two wheeler with no training wheels, he just learned how to do the monkey bars all while saying "mom I'm fine, let go", he is jumping in to the pool putting his head under and practicing how to swim, he knows how to pump on the swing, his feelings get hurt when someone says something hurtful; I can't protect him the way I used to be able and the mommy snuggles, while he still likes them in certain situations don't always cure all. When does this happen? I swear just yesterday I was rocking him in my arms snuggling him and smelling his fresh newborn smell. It happens right in front of us yet I don't think we notice it until it's already happened. Tonight as I rocked Eme to sleep I vowed two things; 1) I will try not to rush through the phases with her. Even though she's in a hard almost two year old phase, I will try and embrace the time she wants to be with her mommy. I will enjoy that she is still nursing and wants to be rocked to sleep because eventually she too will get too big and I won't be able to rock her, and, 2) I will gladly open my arms to as many snuggles as Jameson is wanting to give to me. I will remind myself that each and every smooch or bedtime story might be the last time he asks me. I will hold on to each of these precious moments I have with him because he is growing before my eyes and to me, he's still my little baby boy. A few photos to end tonight, give all your little ones extra mama snuggles, they too will grow faster than us mama's would like.


One of those few warm moments between the two.. it makes my heart melt when it does happen!

Flying high!

Some daddy snuggles/tackling dad!

Look at that smile!

A rare moment where I didn't have Eme climbing on me and J was giving me smooches!


I love these real genuine smiles I get from him. This is J right here!

He's getting big, but Oma was still glad to pick him up and wrap her arms around him!

Me trying to pick up my big boy, doesn't he look so long here!