Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Oh happy day..

As Eme gets bigger and is now walking more and more her and Jabes are starting to become "buds". She follows him everywhere, constantly wanting to do what he is doing. Sometimes it bothers him, especially when it comes to his cars, but other times he is so patient with her and they engage in play together.

Twice today, before we even left the house at 9:30am, I caught them spending time together. Once was in the shower when they both sat on the floor together and read a book and played cars. The other time was after we were all dressed and getting ready to leave. They plopped down on the floor together and I hear J telling her about the animals in his book. He's making the sounds for her and she is completely engaged with him.

He truly loves his sister so much. Even though she bugs him at times he is very sweet to her. His new thing to tell me is, "mom you can upstairs and get that, I'll babysit Eme". Lately I've been running up to grab something and when I come back down he's sitting right there with her talking. He has become quite the mother hen. Always concerned with what she is doing and trying to be in charge of her.

Here are a few pictures of my little buds. Enjoy!

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