Thursday, November 24, 2011

Today is a day to be grateful

I'm coming to you live at 430 in the morning. Eme decided that 330 was an appropriate time to wake up. I however, do not think it is. So please excuse any grammatical errors as I'm a little groggy right now.

Here we are again, in our usual morning back bedroom. Entertaining her with whatever I can find while laying on the floor in a fog. Soon the eye rubbing starts and she's laying on me. Here's my window.

Attempt number one is not looking so promising. Then from the slits in my eyes I see my handsome husband coming to rescue me and give me a break from the dancing I've been doing to try and lull her to sleep. Or not. I hear him whisper, Js awake. Are you kidding me!!!! I pass the baby off, praying that Z doesn't get a call right this moment (he was on call for the fd) and run downstairs. To my surprise, J has curled back up and is asleep. I snuggle under the covers and figure Z will come get me if he needs me, and then I close my eyes! Ahhh.

Fast forward to now. The kids slept until after 6am and Em is taking another siesta on me as we speak. I have my black Friday newspaper sprawled out on the living room floor and I'm feeling a bit euphoric!

Today is a day of gratitude. I have so many reasons to be grateful today. Most other days I could think of many thinks I'm not the most happy about but today is a day to be thankful. I am grateful for the love that surrounds us, for friends old and new, good health, families that support us and love us unconditionally, an amazingly supportive and loving husband, and most importantly my two beautiful children. J and Em, you two inspire me to be the best person I can be. To love and live each day without looking back. You two remind me of what is important in this world. Happiness does not come from money, or expensive gifts, or fancy cars, or big houses. Happiness comes from love. When I look in to my children's eyes I find my happiness and gratitude.

So for today, I plan to focus on what does make me happy, my family. Letting go of my messy house and all the to do's. Today I will focus on my family. What about you, what are you thankful for this year?


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