Friday, November 18, 2011

Turn it around mom

Eme Lu was up at 4:45am. Not totally out of character for her but usually when she wakes up this early it's because she needs to relieve her stomach pains. Z and J were still asleep so Eme and I hunkered down in our usual early morning spot, their bedroom. I quickly filled my cup of coffee and tried to entertain her all while feeling a little delirious.

5:58am I hear J and Z. I can already tell how the day is going to go. It's far too early for him to be awake but the fact remains, he is. I am greeted by a hug and a smile, a nice start to my early morning. Fortunately Z doesn't need to go to work until 7:30 so I have some time to pawn them off so I can get a quick shower. You know how things go when you're a sahm mom, I was in there a mere 5 minutes before my 3 year old is in with me and then I hear the quick crawling on the floor and my 1 year old is standing by the shower crying to come in. Ugh, I just wanted a few solitude moments.

And then the whining begins. Anything and everything is something to whine about. They're whining, I'm whining, the dogs are whining and I certainly have not had enough coffee yet. One at a time right. I swoop Eme up and know that even though it's only 6:45 she is in need of a nap.. She's asleep. So here I am holed up in the bedroom next to a sleeping baby because in all honesty I don't quite have the energy to go out there yet. It wasn't even 7am and I could feel my frustration. I need to turn it around. The reality is I am the captain of this team and if I'm not positive then no one is. So here it goes, I'm walking out with a smile on my face, chipper and ready to greet the day! Besides it's nothing a little coffee can't cure right? A picture to remind me that the days are long but the moments within those days are wonderful.

1 comment:

  1. I need to heed your advice and become the captain of my ship. Well put.
