Monday, January 9, 2012

Tonight I fell in love again

J can be very trying at times. He is a very intense little boy. Always wanting to be in the mix, kissing his sister non stop throughout the day, at my heels almost constantly, and his emotions are always very intense. The bigger the better! When he's happy you know he's happy, when he's sad you'll know it and when he's mad you'll definitely know it! He is my child when it comes to wearing his emotions on his sleeve.

With a sister that had been sick for a week his attention basket was less than full. He was in need of some mom time. What a trooper he's been but his behavior has been shifting these past couple days. He was very clingy today; asking for snuggles, laying on me, hugging me, kisses.

I've been feeling a bit of a disconnect from my little man lately. Tonight I fell in love with him all over again. As I watched him crouch down to choose books, looking so little in his footsie pajamas, he looked so sweet, so innocent. As I read him stories tonight and he snuggled in to my nook I caught a glimpse of his little dimpled, chubby fingers. The way he looked at me when he asked if we could read one more story, my heart melted right there. The way he smiled when I read him the book he chose reminded me of why I love being home and why I am his mama. My Jameson. I love this boy more than words will ever describe. As all of you look at your little ones the love you you feel for them can never be put in to words. You love them for all that they are. You love them for who they are now and who they will become. You love them in their darkest moments and their brightest. It truly is an amazing thing to be a mama. I once said to my mom, when they hurt I hurt. I feel all of their feelings.

Tonight I kissed my sweet little guy and snuggled him in extra close. I fell in love all over again and it was exactly what I needed!


1 comment:

  1. I loved this post Megs...especially the loved the pics, the one where J is looking out into the water...I just want to kiss his face! It is incredibly how perfect these little people are in our lives, and how we don't notice it often enough. Tonight we danced to a Mickey Mouse skate and dance robot...I just stared at Jaryn as she laughed and danced and spun around until she fell over...she is the most beautiful little girl I have ever known and I hope I get to have those moments with her over and over and over again.
