Tuesday, January 31, 2012

First Day Of Our New Life

First day of 'school' at Waldorf

A close friend called and told me there was an opening in the Waldorf Playgroup she was in.  I've been interested in this playgroup for a while but the cost of it discouraged me from exploring it further than the tuition page on their web page.  After hearing how her first day went, I had to look into it.  Honestly it sounded blissful.  I know what you're thinking, bliss and toddlers don't go together unless you're talking about them sleeping, which is why I had to check into it. 

After 2 tours of the school in as many days, I knew I had to do it.  Bug was a different kid when we were there, she didn't want to leave and played in a way that I've never seen her.  She was playing make believe with dolls (this is huge, she doesn't do dolls) and set the table for us where we had our meeting (this included bringing real plates, real silverware and real cups as well as pretending to make us meals--I say real because it is real, not plastic, but glass and ceramic).  She was peaceful.  I was peaceful.  It was beautiful.

Today was the first day of our new life.  I say that because already I can see a change in our family.  I am more relaxed and she's way more into imagination play.  She's been playing with only a few "toys", a scarf, wood blocks, and her kitchen.  Recently we went to the store for her to pick out real dishes so she's always cooking up something.  This morning she told me she was making a $200 breakfast.  Yikes, do we have a foodie on our hands?!  I can count 5 toys that make noise and all but 1 are stashed away.  She wants nothing to do with them.  She's also asking to go outside all the time, which at first I found annoying.  Now I love it and join in the fun.  Seriously puddle jumping in the middle of winter is a blast!  More fun than the summer because you've got snow pants on and don't get wet!
Waldorf playgroup will be my sanctuary.  It will be Bug's too.  She talked about it all night.  Obsessively.  I came home from work for dinner and Husband was asking me if we did circle time and sang songs because she was talking about it and her teacher Miss Nancy, her good friend Link and all they did together.  But most of all she said she wanted to go back.  Sweet. 
I'll post more about Waldorf and our experience with playgroup, the importance of rhythm, how the kids interact together, crafts the mom's do while the kids are sleeping (we're making felt books from scratch-so cool!).  There's a lot of elements and I can't wait to start sharing them.  Now, can next week come already!


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