Thursday, January 19, 2012

George and a fever.

We've had a pretty low key week. We spent all day at home Monday, went to the library with some friends Tuesday, and did a quick errand yesterday before returning home for the remainder of the day.

By late afternoon yesterday, J had the glossy look in his eyes. Uh oh, he's getting sick, I thought. Sure enough an hour passed and he was so whiny with a 102 fever, just like that it came on.

If you're like me, the second my children show signs of sickness i start getting anxiety. I instantly feel out of control and I hate that I can't take their pain away. For my Eme Lu it brings back the fear of last march when she was so sick. An ER visit and countless Dr appts before she was on the mend. The verdict was RSV and bronchiolitis. It was such a scary time for Z and I, watching our little 3 month old so sick. A couple weeks ago she started in with the same thing. A nasty cough, fever, goopy nose and double ear infection. My heart raced the entire time she was sick. I sat up with her in the middle of the night rocking her and didn't sleep much a wink. Thank goodness for my hubby and my mom to get me through it. She healed and here we are with J. The fever. It's such a dreaded time when they get one.

I remember when I was sick how nice it was to snuggle on the couch and watch a movie. All warm and cozy and not doing much of anything other than laying. I'm letting go of my inner Waldorf today and letting J lay on the couch watching Curious George and Milo and Otis. He has his pillow, blanket and a warm cup of tea. Sounds cozy to me and I think it's okay for one day to help him rest and heal.


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