Sunday, March 25, 2012

Play ideas

I'm sure we have all been there. Days when it's rainy or it's the winter months or the kids are just bored and you are scrambling to try and figure out something to do. If your kids are anything like mine then they are completely content being outside but the second we step inside the whining starts and they follow me around. Why is that?!! I wanted to offer up some suggestions on things you can do with your little ones during those days! We get so in to our routine that sometimes I need to remind myself that what they need is a little change in their day. So here are some rainy day ideas!

*Water. Anything to do with water is sure to give them a half hour to an hour of enjoyment! Take a bath, fill the sink, fill a sensory bin with bubbles and water, or add food coloring. Kids love water!

*Sensory bins. Kids are so tactile. They learn through their senses. Full a bin with rice, beans, corn, sand along with a few cups and spoons and it's sure to bring some fun!

*Paint. Days when J is just really having a hard time and I can't get anything done I break out the paint. He will sit in the basement at his art table and paint with his cars. He loves it. For some reason this activity has always been very soothing for him.

*Build a fort. Kids LOVE forts! It becomes their special little hideout and they think they are so awesome! The bigger the better but even putting a sheet over the kitchen table becomes an instant fort!

*Bake. Scooping, mixing, tasting. It's sure to bring them some smiles!

*If you don't mind the messes we explore with whatever we can find in the cupboard. One of J's favorite activities is going to back to the good old baking soda and vinegar. Often times we will add food coloring to this as well. (Note: when I do this I always put a cookie sheet underneath. It catches the mess and doesn't end up all over the table). Sometimes we add cornstarch or flour and mixing food coloring in to a spray bottle is the best!

*Dance. Turn on the tunes and get your little ones, and yourself, moving. It amazes me how all of us start smiling when the music comes on and we let our guards down for a bit!

*Go out! If can that is. Even if it's raining a little bit try and put the rain boots on and a jacket and let them puddle jump. If it's cold out, bundle them up and let them spend 15 minutes in the fresh air. It's amazing how much a little fresh air can lighten everyone's spirit a bit.

I hope this list helps some and that on a day when you're having cabin fever you can pull an idea off this least and everyone will feel a bit more content. I know for me, when I'm in the moment it's hard to think of something to do! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and your Monday starts off nicely!


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