Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Finding the balance between the good and the ugly

The picture I have on my desk to remind me of the innocence and simplicity in the world.
I struggle every day trying to keep work out of my personal life.  But I can't.  For over 8 years I've worked in television news as a photojournalist.  I try not to bring work home with me, but after seeing video of a little girl who's (allegedly) been starved and tortured by her family or a man who was so desperate to escape the pain the only way he knew how was to take his own life, I'm feeling beaten down.  I'm sad, heartbroken, I ache for these people.  I look at my beautiful daughter and fear the day she will learn this horribleness exists in the world.

I was in an extra foul mood when I came home for dinner tonight.  Husband had put Bug to bed and I was feeling bitter at the world.  No, I was just pissed off.  Usually all I need is to vent and I'm done but the last couple of weeks have really started to take it's toll on me.  Last week alone two men in their early 20s drown and a 14 year old girl took her own life.  I couldn't take it.  I broke down and sobbed.  Seeing the picture of that little girl, that's all she was, just a little girl, put me over.  There is so much pain, sadness, and hate in the world and I see so much of it on a daily basis.  Lately there's been more of the bad than good, and that makes it hard to focus on the good.

What I have to do is let it go.  As soon as I walk through the front door, it's gone.  I read this quote somewhere, "Please be responsible for the energy you bring through this door," and I can't agree more.   I cannot carry that negative energy with me.  When I leave work, I leave work.  I focus on the beauty in front of me and how her laughter makes me laugh.  She lifts me up, she helps me to forget, to let go, to focus on the positive and all I have.  She reminds me the little things are important and do matter and the simple things in life are just that, simple.  Not complicated, just simple.  But most of all, what my 2 year old daughter teaches me on a daily basis is love and forgiveness.  A lesson the rest of the world could probably use.     

When Bug says, "mommy no work today," I love it when I get to say, "okay."

What do you struggle with as a parent, working or not?  How do you cope with your struggles?  Do you feel like you're the only one out there with those struggles, fears and worries?



  1. Hi Jess,

    Thank you for the response to my message yesterday. Now it all makes sense in who you are and how many kids each of you have. I didn't realize there were 2 different people & families and every time I would read your post I would get confused as to who you are writing about. Back to your todays post. Yes, I do think a lot about the same issues or actually I used to think a lot about it. Right now I don't watch much TV plus I don't even have time to watch TV being a working mom. Plus I stated using some principles from this blog and I love it. I would recommend reading through this blog and I am sure you can find something positive you can implement in your life. There are so much good information out there, good people to meet, etc. Only our emotions we can truly control and not much else in the world. Like we can't control the weather. It is hard not to worry about this things and I have to admit I do worry a lot but I understand that I can't live my life this way as long as I am alive. I have a family to support, I have a daughter to raise and I will try to bring the best in her.
    Now I will move to a different subject. For some reason I thought you live in WI. What state do you live in? We visited Waldorf school in our state and we loved it. I know they have those playgroups but since I am working we can't make it. We are considering to take our daughter there once she will turn 3. This is all I have to say for now. Have a great the rest of the week! I will be looking for more interesting posts from you.

    1. Well said Nika. You're right, you cannot control everything in your life and it's up to you to filter what you want in it. We also do not watch tv, except for the rare times at night on the weekends after Bug is asleep. The blog you recommended has some great quotes, thank you for passing that along. I do live in WI, my sister lives in MN. I know it's pretty confusing, we will try to be more clear who is who in the future. Sorry about that. Keep us posted on the Waldorf school for your daughter, we love hearing updates! ~Jess
