Thursday, April 19, 2012

First Dates

Last weekend Husband and I went on our first date since Bug was born.  For those who are doing the math, yup, it's been 2 1/2 years since we've been out, just the two of us. 

My dad came down from Minnesota to watch Bug for us.  We had a wedding on a Friday night, which meant he had to take Friday off to make it here in time for us to leave.  It was quite an ordeal just to get her.  I was afraid it was a sign for how the rest of the night was going to go.  He had to stop by my sister's house to pick up some new bedding for Bug (firetrucks!!!) and then when he was only a half hour away, he blew a tire.  But he had that tire changed and back on the road in 10 minutes!  All day Bug was asking where Boppy (her sweet name for him) was and would stare out the window watching for him.  When he pulled up, she was screeching in pure excitement and wanted absolutely nothing to do with either me or her dad. 

Bear hugs and jumping up and down, laughing and yelling, she was giddy.  Her Boppy was here to spend the night with her.  I had prepped her by telling  her mommy and daddy were going to go on a date and Boppy was going to come stay with her.  She looked at me and said, "me and Boppy go on a date."  Seriously sweet.  Then she asked if she and Boppy could have pizza on their date.  Ah-dorable.  She had the night planned out and first thing on the list, go to the park.  Both Husband and I had to beg her for hugs and kisses as she ran out the door.  I thought it was going to be tears and prying her out of my arms, promising her we'll be back in only a few hours and expecting to call it an early night.  As it turns out, it was the exact opposite.  It was I who was in near tears, they had to pry her out of MY arms, and I wanted to call it an early night because I wanted to see her.  The irony. 

This was the picture I got from Boppy giving me the status update.
Hubby and I left for our date and Bug was on hers.  After the ceremony, I called my dad to check in and they were eating dinner (pizza of course).  Then it was off to bed.  I got a text at 7:30, she was in bed and asleep.  No problems, she snuggled up next to Boppy and fell asleep with out a single peep.  Seriously.  How in the world?  I was totally shocked, yet not at all.  She loves her Boppy so much, there is a special bond between them that you can see but there are no words to describe it.  So it didn't surprise me at all to hear she did so well with him. 

Bug went on her first date and we went on ours.  We had a great time together and can't wait for Boppy to come visit again.  Bug has been talking about him all week, wondering when the next date will be.  We are so lucky to have family who are apart of our lives, I don't know what we'd do without them (which makes living in different states that much harder).  

Have you gone on a date since having children?  Where did you go and who stayed with the kid(s)?  How did they do?  How did you do?

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