Friday, May 11, 2012

Unplugged...for a month.

I read this blog post today and it almost brought me to tears. What has happened to us. 10 years ago we all had a cool flip phone and texting was a new phenomenon. Now, we have everything we need right at our fingertips. We are connected at all moments of the day. Our children watch us tap the keys on our smart phones, send emails at all hours of the day, do our social media check ins, and shop with a device in our hand.

I am guilty. I have the iPhone 4s. I desperately needed an iPhone, clearly, I am a stay at home mom! I started off with the 3GS and as soon as the 4s came out I knew I needed to have it for the wonderful camera capabilities. It's true, it takes some wonderful photos and I have captured great moments with my children. I love the iPhone, but that's the problem, I have begun to love it too much. I spend far too much time on instagram sharing pictures of my kids, pinning things on pinterest, and facebook stalking what my friends are doing (when really I should just call to check in). If I have a free moment of silence I grab my phone and retreat to my own mommy iPhone world.

After reading this blog today I've decided to go "unplugged" for a month. I need to put down this wonderfully horrible, addictive device that I have become so dependent on and go back to the basics. After all isn't that what I have been striving for, simplicity?! I want to enjoy my kids and I want them to know that when I am with them, I am there with them., listening to them and not just half listening as I send a quick email out. Jabes is going to be 4 this fall and I seriously can not for the life of me grasp where the time has gone. Eme is no longer a baby and she has quickly morphed in to this energetic, independent, vibrant almost 1.5 year old. I don't want to miss things with them. I am so lucky to stay at home with my kids, what a blessing to be with them every step of the way. The memories I want them to have are of us laughing and playing, exploring, being silly, arts and crafts, reading books, and sitting around together enjoying each others company. We are losing sight of these moments within our days. Quiet moments are spent making a quick call or perusing the internet. I need to pull myself back in and enjoy the quiet moments.

I figure I can do this for a month and who knows, maybe after the month has passed I'll feel liberated and happier, more simplified and connected to my children rather than the outside world. Some of you may be reading this thinking that you like being connected at all times and some of you may be reading this finding inspiration in my words. To each their own and I have no judgments. For those of you interested here is the link to the blog I read today.. click here.

Happy weekend to you all and I hope you all have a bit of sunshine this weekend!

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