Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A broken dryer, a week with no iPhone and sun = my bliss!

A few weeks ago our dryer started making this awful squealing sound. Come to find out it's the belt that needs to be replaced. Babe tried to fix it and I got a couple of loads washed and dried but for the most part I've been relying on the good old clothesline to do the job! I have to admit that I absolutely love it. Each morning I wash a load and hang one on the line to dry. The morning sun beaming down as I clip each article of clothing to the line and the sound of the kids playing in the background makes me smile. I love the smell as I hang the freshly washed clothes. So for now, our dryer has yet to be replaced and as long as the sun keeps shining I could get used to this!

It's been a whole week with no iPhone. Yes, I have survived! It's been a tough week but also a very refreshing week. I made the switch last Tuesday and I walked out feeling a sense of freedom. That followed by a feeling of panic; what if I miss an email or miss a good "deal" because I didn't get the alert or what if I need the map to help direct me. It's been a week of mixed emotions but I am starting to really enjoy this new found freedom. I don't feel as though I need to have it with me at all moments of the day, attached to me like another limb. I have now put down my basic phone and have begun to enjoy the simple pleasures that surround me. The sound of my children laughing, the smell of clothes drying on the line, birds chirping and the beautiful glowing sun. I have started running and am training for a half marathon in August (with my sister and a good friend!) and I look forward to my runs each day. I used to look forward to Instagram or Pinterest or Facebook but now I'm finding other things that make me happy. Perhaps it's the season and all the sun or perhaps it's the fact that I've been running more or maybe it really is because I've given up something that I was once so reliant on. Whatever it is, I'm feeling happy and have more energy. The bored moments within the day, because yes being with children all day solo can get a bit boring at times, I'm not reaching for a device. Instead, I'm sitting back being bored watching them play or puttering around planting my gardens, washing dishes, cooking, or reading a few pages in a magazine or book.

It's amazing what a broken dryer and a disconnect from the smartphone world can do for a mama! I am happy and I think I really am on to something by putting the do it all phone away and going back to the basics. I am enjoying my kids and I am certain that they are enjoying having me fully present. They are relishing in reading books with mama or playing hockey/baseball in the driveway with me or cooking. My hubby too is enjoying me not having my nose in a phone when he's home!{For the record, there are times that I make calls when my kids are awake and there are times that I check something on the internet; I am not completely disconnected, just disconnected from a carry with me all the time iPhone!!} It's a change, a huge change when you get used to having one, but in the end I've learned that nothing is as important as watching my kids grow and creating memories with them.

So here's to another three weeks sans iPhone and hopefully longer after that.. I think I've realized now that I can do it!


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